Covid-19 Is a Mother of Invention

Covid-19 Is a Mother of Invention

So, a novel coronavirus came along, and just like that every single future thing on our calendars has been cancelled or “postponed.” Our cars sit idle outside; we have simply stopped moving. In the future, assuming that this is a unique event, no one will believe how quickly society went from “normal” — working, going to school, going to movies, embracing an old friend — to abnormal. Or it seems to me, how quickly the word “normal” changed to describe something completely new in the human experience ….

Five Examples of Climate-Change “Multitasking”

New writing on climate “multitasking” — “5 Strategies that Achieve Climate Mitigation and Adaption Simultaneously,” by Isabella Suarez at the World Resource Institute.

Her five suggestions:
• Protection of coastal wetlands
• Promotion of sustainable agroforestry
• Decentralized energy distribution — and production
• Securing indigenous people’s land rights
• Improving mass transit