Some Eiffel Towers to Celebrate a New Day in Washington

Some Eiffel Towers to Celebrate a New Day in Washington

To mark the inauguration taking place right now in a very cold-looking Washington DC, we’re dropping some photos of another mighty capitol city. It’s our way of celebrating the U.S. government’s imminent return to an international accord that bears that city’s name. Imperfect as it may be, the Paris Agreement is the absolute gold standard among existing, signed, and fully notarized international plans for fighting climate change.

Though the outgoing administration meant four years without U.S. climate leadership, it had the unintentional effect of inspiring the rise of powerful new leaders elsewhere. So, Biden’s new bigger, better, and super-brainy Cabinet-level climate team — led by John Kerry and Gina McCarthy — enters a much more dynamic scene than the one we vacated four years ago….

The Gasoline Engine Is Officially Unethical

The Gasoline Engine Is Officially Unethical

EVs are the stuff of myths. So many myths: 
• They’re too expensive! (Nope.)
• Their batteries hemorrhage range as soon as you drive them off the lot! (Noooooope.)
• Worthless in cold weather! (Nope! And Norway!)
• They’re less green than normal cars! (NOPE.)

Let’s put that last old argument out to pasture once and for all ….