I Am in Love with Kelp

I Am in Love with Kelp

“I am in love with Kelp.” Let Tiffany Stephens’ words resonate through your Saturday, and calm your climate anxiety.  

“I am in love with kelp.” Let Tiffany Stephens’ words resonate through your Saturday… and calm your climate anxiety.  

Love affairs with kelp aren’t some kind of fringe thing, aren’t only a remote Alaska thing. Down here in Santa Monica Bay — as far away from Seagrove Kelp Farm in Doyle Bay, in some ways, sadly, as you can be — there are also those who love kelp

Get Creative!

Get Creative!

Watching the COP26 global climate talks from a rooftop 5,115 miles away, one thing is clear: it’s time to do the work. There’s no more time for doubters or denial on the one hand, or indecision or political traffic jams on the other.

At this point, the climate action stage should be filled with creativity. The