Get Creative!

by | Nov 7, 2021 | Mitigadaptation

Watching the COP26 global climate talks from a rooftop 5,115 miles away, one thing is clear: it’s time to do the work. There’s no more time for doubters or denial on the one hand, or indecision or political traffic jams on the other.

At this point, the climate action stage should be filled with creativity. The seeds for this are planted. We’ve spoken to rooftop windmill makers, battery repurposers, solar-panel reconfigurers, no-BS climate communicators, serial forest nurturers, visionary climate adapters… and we know we’ve only scratched the surface.

Like all these neighboring rooftops, the climate challenge is a blank canvas. For most people we know, the question still remains, “but… what can I do?”

The answer is get creative. Whether it’s with an empty rooftop, or a pen, or a purchase, or a sewing machine, or a computer, or a vote, get creative. 

Creativity is humanity’s superpower. And fellow superheroes, we have a world to save.